The celebration photo is of a staff (Concordia English Center) get together at the Bowerman's home, the place I visited the first night I came to Macau - almost two months ago. I like picture because it shows the bright lights of Zhuhai, China out the window, as well as reflections of the whole room. Jessica, the woman playing the guitar, is a Filipino who takes care of Joanna, Sharon's adopted daughter. Jessica used to play and sing with a band in the Philippines. She has a sweet voice and spirit.

The next photo (003) is pastor Michael Wu and his wife, Grace. Michael is a very gregarious. He is part of the English Center and also spends much time in China working with missions there.

Pastor Yeung is the long time pastor of St. Paul Lutheran church in Macau. Please include the congregation and pastor in you prayers.

Last, but not least is Sharon Owens and I enjoying the festivities. Sharon has been here seven plus years and has done very much to inspire and build the mission here.
Christmas Eve the CEC teachers and students are doing two skits at St. Paul's - not quite the same quality as Priscilla Loring's, but our best effort. I will send photos of that after Christmas. Christmas Day we will all go to China to celebrate. The day after Christmas I will go to Zhuhai, China to visit Alina and family until New Years. I will use up my seven day, one entry visa to China. That means I will have to apply all over again at a price of $131 US for another visa for a possible 7 day visa, as I want to go to Alina’s home area with her for Chinese New Year in late January. Keep me in your prayers. The visas are a big headache.
Christmas blessings to you all in this most holy season.
With love, Jane