Saturday, March 14, 2009


Recently someone asked me what it is like living in Macau. Actually it's quite modern. All the teachers live in high rise apartments - not luxurious, but decent. I live on the 25th floor with my roommate Kali (021). Our balcony looks out at another high rise balcony. We recently were the third house in a house blessing/progressive dinner. We served the main course, lasagna, for the entree. We had to go to three stores before we had all the ingredients. Western food is readily available, just a bit scattered. Lots of food products come from Hong kong, New Zealand and Australia.

As you can see the kitchen is tiny, however, we have made some great meals. We have a gas cook top. The picture where I am serving lasagna is in the dining area, where we have our cupboard space - though it's just open cupboards with a portable oven, it's kind of like dorm living. We have bunk beds, but we each have our own bedroom.

We have a wash machine, but no dryer. For drying clothes, we hang them on the balcony, as the rest of our neighbors do. There is a problem lately, it has gotten so humid, that wash takes two days to dry! So we have been doing some improvising. Kali has put up an expandable shower rod in her bedroom, so we can hang some things there and run the air conditioning on "dehumidify" during the day or we can hang them is the bathroom and put a dehumidifier in the shower over night. I will really appreciate my dryer when I get home!

My final photo for today shows the humidity we have have had for the past two weeks - it lasts like this they tell me for two months, then the rains come. This is the Macau tower and the Sai Pan Bridge to Taipa.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon for spring time in Massachusetts.


Jane Moody
in Macau

Real People

It hasn't been easy thinking of the blog since March 1, but I'm back in gear. You are all in my prayers and I hope to be in church on March 22.
Now for the blog and one more will follow this one, then a final one next week.

These four photos show some dear people in Macau. The first two are at the senior center at Coloane which is at the very end of the second island. We did a craft project that could be used as a bookmark or for a wall hanging. The red part in the middle says "God is Love" in English and Chinese. Many of these people over sixty were never taught to read. The lady in the hat is 87 years old. She is one of the most responsive ones in the group - she did get an education.

The church picture shows part of the deaf choir that sang at Christmas and family members. The couple in front are deaf and she is holding their baby. They are related to members of St. Paul's Church. Pastor Yung has on a black robe and red stole. One of the the things that troubled me when I came to Macau was that their was no sign on the outside of the building that showed that to show this was St. Paul's Church. I questioned and talked about t his, until finally the church and the English Center contributed and the sign went up in time for Christmas. Praise the Lord! Continue to pray for the mission/vision of St. Paul's. They are also praying for OSLC.

Blessings, Jane

Jane Moody
in Macau