Monday, January 12, 2009

ESL Camp in South Korea - Luther Universtiy

I am finally back with my own laptop connected to the Internet...

We have finished our first week of classes ESL Camp at Luther University and it was very productive. I'm really enjoying the children, especially playing word games, like I do with my own grandchildren. We have about
55 students in the morning in three groups and eight students in the afternoon
in two groups. (photos 037 and 049)

In the morning (9:30AM - 1:00 PM) first I teach Bible Devotions to 1st-2nd graders - using power point, next it is 5th-6th grade reading and writing and finally grade 3-4 speaking and listening. (photo 040)

I have a two hour break in the afternoon, then from 4:00-5:30 PM, I teach a group of four ( two boys age
11 and two girls age 7). That's more of a challenge because of the age difference. One little girl,
Dorothy, was falling asleep about 5:00 PM the first two days, so I decided to add games in for the last part of the class. Now I tell them, if we get our work done we can play a game - they love the games, so they work hard.
(photos 052, 001, 004)

It's a little like teaching Vacation Bible School, however we are teaching English and Bible stories at the same time. The parents expect homework.