Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gifts We Don't Expect

Sometimes we receive Christmas gifts we don't quite expect; I received one of these big surprise gifts yesterday (Dec. 23). My visa for Macau expires Dec. 25.

I am now going to Seoul, Korea on December 31st and will return to Macau on January 24! I will be working at a three week winter children's camp at Luther University -- Yongin, Gyeonggi, Korea.

Luther University was recently a seminary only and it has expanded programs to become a University. The children go to this camp to learn English. There will be 3 or 4 American teachers and several Korean students, who will be TA’s. The children range in age from 6-12 (same as my grandchildren). I will stay in a dorm, as it is semester break. I will receive a stipend which will pay my plane fare and most of my expenses. This should be another adventure with plenty of pictures.

Sometimes our Lord answers prayers in mysterious ways. They were going to have to cancel this winter camp, if they didn’t get another teacher. This will give me enough time away from Macau, so they can apply for and get me a better visa. I have almost everything packed including the puppets and Arch books that Matthew and Tracy got together for me before I left MA. All my students in Macau will be covered by a new short term volunteer who is coming into Macau this Sunday.

Blessings to all in holy season,