Saturday, February 14, 2009

Back in Macau

Greetings from the Concordia English Center in Macau,

I'm back! I arrived back in Macau last night after spending Feb. 4-8 in Singapore. It's the end of a two week break, so I'm back at the Center catching up on e-mail and finally getting a chance to use my own computer!

We officially begin again tomorrow, however I had lunch today with Mary Eddy U, our local center manager and John Bowerman, one of the permanent teachers here. I found they are in desperate need for a short term teacher for the term beginning April 7 and going until May 23. It would be good to arrive at least 5 days before the classes begin. You need to have a current passport. The cost is the cost of a round trip flight, plus $250 a month for utility costs and food, which is quite minimal. Do you think someone from OSLC would be interested?

It is teaching adults conversational English. The main requirement is to be on current events and enjoy talking to people.

If this sounds like something that may be possible, please contact Jennifer Mustard at LCMS World Missions in St. Louis. Any more questions, let me know.
