Right now at the English Center, we have eight teachers, so I am not assigned any students. Now my focus has changed more to Relationship Building, which is also part of my mission. There are three people here more or less permanently, so the English Center depends on short term volunteers to do most of the teaching. Right now we have too many teachers, however during the April-May term there will not be enough teachers. We are praying for a few more volunteers.
Here's a little on how we go about relationship building. I am involved in conversation in English with students at our two hour lunch times Tuesday through Friday. Friday at lunch we got into a big discussion of American history , starting with beginnings of the American Revolution in Boston, Tea party etc. Then there was a question about African American history and we got into the causes of the Civil War and finally up to Obama being president. One of the young men is studying archeology, so that led us into the history discussion. He brought in a textbook showing how they have traced the migration of various people groups through their DNA. We are encouraged to find creative ways to form relationships with people who are interested. A girl named Candy, from mainland China, works at the security desk where you enter our building. She often comes to our lunch get togethers. She is trying very hard to learn English. She has an accounting degree, but her job doesn't really make use of her skills. Today, Valentine's Day, is her birthday, so we gave her a book of devotions, signed by all the teachers. Candy's bright smile graces our comings and goings.
I am also involved in the Tuesday and Friday night free Bible Classes. Last night for the Friday class, which is at the church we started the Alpha course. Are you familiar with that? It originated in England. We have a video in "British" English with Chinese subtitles, then discussion. We divide into smaller groups after the video, according to those who know a lot of English, some English and no English. I was with the group that know some English last night. The groups are led by Macanese, who are fairly fluent in English, and as teachers we can jump in and clarify if needed. It went quite well.
Another way we build relationships is through monthly Sunday afternoon or evening social events. The event for February is to celebrate Jane Moody's 70th birthday! My birthday was on February 6, so I celebrated in Singapore with my friend Eng and family that was 3 days of non stop celebration - I needed a rest after that vacation! It looks like the BIG 7-0 will be a long celebration, including my family and grandchildren when I get back home.